Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes in Germany

April 14, 2016 § Leave a comment


Founded by Dr. Shams Scheik (American Board Certified specialist), Juventas Revitalization Clinic is located in Germany and combines a passion for continuous research with a high level of patient focus, doctor-patient interaction and a comprehensive patient education.  The center focuses on treating and preventing chronic diseases by using revitalization and biological innovative therapies, which are constantly under research.

The Stem Cell Therapy Program for Diabetes offered by Juventas Revitalization Clinic addresses to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients with the age of 12 and above. The program lasts 15 days and consists in 2 to 4 hours daily outpatient based intensive treatment sessions.

After following the program, the patient will experience:

  • A significant decrease (or normalization) of blood sugar levels
  • A 5-8 kilos weight loss within 2 months
  • A significant decrease in dosage (or complete stoppage) of diabetes medications (including insulin)
  • A significantly reduced risk of developing future complications of diabetes, such as gangrene, blindness, stroke, kidney failure, heart attack etc.
  • A significant improvement of symptoms experienced by diabetics, such as blurry vision, thirst, fatigue, pain and numbness in hands and feet, slow healing of wounds, urinary infection etc.
  • A long term 90% reduction in lifelong diabetes related financial costs (hospitalizations, medications, surgeries, morbidity etc.)
  • A decrease in blood pressure in those having high blood pressure (reduction of BP medications)

Stem Cell Therapy is highly recommended for:

  • Both men and women
  • Patients with the age of 12 and above
  • Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

Medical conditions that might make Stem Cell Therapy an option:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes

Benefits of the Stem Cell Therapy for diabetes:

  • A significant improvement of symptoms experienced by diabetics, such as blurry vision, thirst, fatigue, pain and numbness in hands and feet, slow healing of wounds, urinary infection etc.
  • A significant decrease (or normalization) of blood sugar levels
  • A significant decrease in dosage (or complete stoppage) of diabetes medications (including insulin)
  • A 5-8 kilos weight loss within 2 months
  • A long term 90% reduction in lifelong diabetes related financial costs (hospitalizations, medications, surgeries, morbidity etc.)
  • A significantly reduced risk of developing future complications of diabetes, such as gangrene, blindness, stroke, kidney failure, heart attack etc.
  • A decrease in blood pressure in those having high blood pressure (reduction of BP medications)


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Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

February 25, 2016 § Leave a comment


The stem cells are able to turn into new cells of the damaged tissues. In this case we’re talking about the affected brain tissue. Plus, the stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy contributes to reconstructing new blood vessels and improving of the blood flow to the brain’s damaged tissue.

Benefits of the stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy:

• Stem cells can transform and replace destroyed or damaged cells.
• Stem cell treatment has a low risk of complications.
• Stem cell therapy is a new treatment, researched in numerous renowned clinics in Asia.

Learn more about the stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy in Asia, offered by renowned clinics! Contact us!

Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Therapy Availability

May 8, 2013 § Leave a comment

Multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy is real and achievable! Researchers have made huge progress and are still curing people who thought they were hopeless.

The multiple sclerosis disease is an autoimmune chronic disease that makes the body turn on itself, causing damage within the central nervous system and spinal cord, causing gaps in the brain’s commands to activate muscle movement, balance and vision. These symptoms are interfering with normal activities and usually appear in patients between 15 and 45 years of age.  Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the myelin, the fatty substance around the nerve fibers of the central nervous system, damaging the nerve fibers themselves, in some cases, and forming scar tissue (or sclerosis, hence the name). When a part of the myelin sheath has been damaged or destroyed, the nerve impulses given and received from the brain, also the spinal cord, are distorted or interrupted. Later, a variety of symptoms occur, such as loss of writing skills, speaking or walking.

The Multiple Sclerosis stem cell treatment using fetal stem cells has been providing excellent results in the treatment centers all over the world. The Ukraine is one of the multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy centers where doctors have been curing patients who had previously thought there was no hope of regaining mobility. They all found the chance to regain a normal life by opting for multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy.

The fetal stem cell treatment actually stops the autoimmune attacks, thus curing the damage done by the disease.

The good thing about all of this is that, regardless of the curtails that some might push regarding the experimental multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy, the cured individuals are taking their testimonials online and out there, providing precious information for all those in need. PlacidWay is one of the medical tourism companies that provide this type of treatment and the place where you can find testimonials from the individuals who have been cured by multilple sclerosis stem cell therapy.

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